Tom & Kacy stayed with us at the end of November 2004 and Tom worked the CQWW-CW contest from our shack.

You can tell from the smile on his face that he was having a good time.....and I guess that showed in his final score of over 5.5 million points from over 3600 QSO's.

Tom is a great Ambassador to the hobby of Amateur Radio and is a Director of the ARRL representing New England.



So what do we serve for dinner at Fox Mountain Lodge?.....Why it's PIZZA n PILE UP of course.......

The girls ate downstairs at the Mahogany table while watching the Possums and Sugar Gliders on the feeding platform outside.

Well what do you do after you've finished the contest and caught up on all your sleep???....No....Breakfast comes after you watch the sunrise and work all the EU's on 80m & 160m.